Sunday 5 February 2012

Daniel X: Watch the Skies

Actually, I haven't finished reading this book yet. However, I will be able to give some description of the book because I'm already halfway through.

If I have to categorise this book, I will categorise it as a sci-fi and maybe fantasy. It is a book about a boy (I am not sure he's human) whose job is to hunt for criminal aliens. I think calling him an interstellar police would not be unsuitable. There are several books in the Daniel X universe but I do not think that this is the first one.

The author is James Patterson and I am not familiar with his work, although his name is very familiar. Perhaps I should google him but I'll do that when I have the time. The target audience for the book is children or young teenagers. The main character is a teenage boy and the language used is simple enough, although sometimes I find it to be overly descriptive. Not enough of "Show! Don't tell". Sometimes, it feels like I am reading a manual or something that is written by a teenager or an inexperienced writer. Perhaps I should also find out who Ned Rust is and whether he is a teenager?

I don't mean to say that this book is bad. In fact, I am really enjoying the book. I think the authors have the target audience on their mind when they are writing. The story is fun but it could be even better if it's told in a different way. The main reason for me to like this book is that it portrays Daniel, the main character, very well and you could really emphatise with him. I got a sense that although Daniel is blessed with special powers, he is still a lonely boy who doesn't really fit in with the rest of the world.

why books, life and i?

If I get a coin for answering the whys for everything I do, I would not be a very rich person. At times, I do understand the reason I do things. Many of the times I don't. I think there are many people in this world who do things without having a clear reason for it.

Reading has always been something that I like to do and enjoy doing. I think it stemmed for my childhood experience of being the only 'illiterate' in my class when I was in year 1.

I began reading at a later age than most of my peers. I only learn to read at the age of 7. I was a lucky child because my parents surround me with books for as long as I could remember. My father used to work for DBP and he always got my sister and I books and magazines. I remember that I really enjoy looking at pictures in them, although I could not read.

When I got to school, during the first exam, I was amongst the low achievers. I could not even do the test because I couldn't read. My mom took me to her workplace everyday and taught me to read. I am proud to say that my mom is the one who taught me to read Malay, English and Arabic (jawi and the Quran). It was as if a floodgate has been opened when I finally learned to read. I devoured every single book that I found and I read anything and everything.

I still like reading today and reading is one of my past time. I can say that I spend more money on books than I spend on clothes or other things. Reading has always given me pleasure and it has helped me through the thicks and thins of life. I think everyone has experienced that moment when something you read resonates with you and you could really relate with what you read.

I think this place is where I will write about such things. I have a personal blog, but I just think that it's nice if I could have one where I could write about the books I read.